Thursday, June 4, 2009

I'm Invigorated...How?

I had high expectations for my vacation and the Redneck Riviera didn't disappoint. I can't remember a week where I've laughed, drank, fished and danced as much I did in Florida. It was the most amazingly relaxed, low-key, boozy man-cation imaginable.

But the best part?

Coming back to Boston restored, renewed and ready to take on the world. Physically, mentally, in the office, in the ring - bring it.

And I couldn't be more surprised by this rejuvenation. Maybe it was just such an overdue vacation that I forgot what it was like to not work and just sit by the ocean for a week and re-charge my batteries? Maybe I had some deep-seeded psychological issues that needed...relaxed away? Or maybe I finally killed enough brain cells that I crossed the threshold and am no longer just "laid-back" but have become a completely undisturbed go-getter. Whatever the case, there's been a corresponding energy spike that everyone - friends, clients, co-worker, training partners, my alarm clock - has noticed.

The zeal, the drive - my goodness - I can't remember ever training harder and keeping my boxer's/lifter's/runner's high as the burn sets in.

And this isn't a gushy, cuddly, skip-don't-walk sort of state. This has sharpened my approach, focused my mindset and just completely supplemented every tool and ounce of determination I have to enable me to "make it happen."

I've worked out every day since I came back, twice a handful of times, and have been pushing my limits at a frenzied (but successful) rate. Sparring has been smooth and for the first time in recent memory I feel sharp, fast and strong... with a bottomless gas tank, to boot.

I'll recap my recent workouts soon - I've been tracking the new milestones I've been hitting and think they deserve their own post. For now, I'm going to ride this wave as long as I can, traveling as far as it will take me and hoping it never ends. Because based on how great training has gone the past 2 weeks, if I can maintain this pace, stay healthy and put everything together with bad intentions...look out.

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